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Writer : Eda Maaliah, Yulius Harry Widodo, and Muhyiddin Aziz (Politeknik Negeri Madiun, Indonesia)

Reference : Maaliah, E., Widodo, Y. H., & Aziz, M. (2017). USING AUDIO-LINGUAL METHOD TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’SPEAKING SKILL. Jurnal Bahasa Inggris Terapan, 3(1), 45-59.

Reviewer : Ester Rotua Tumanggor (University of Singaperbangsa Karawang , Department of English Education)


The audio-lingual method is one of the methods of teaching foreign languages that emphasizes listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This method is based on a behaviorist theory. That is the theory of behavior change that comes from experience. This method is also a teaching style used in teaching foreign languages ​​which recognizes that certain traits or characteristics of living things can be trained through a reinforcement system that emphasizes the teachings of listening and speaking before reading and writing. This method is based on behaviorist theory which is used to train humans through a reinforcement system. It is closely related to being behaviorism, and thus makes drilling, repetition, and habit-forming central elements of instruction (2001: 66)

As stated by Mart (2013) also concluded that the Audio-Lingual Method aims to develop students' communicative competence by using dialogue and exercises. The repetition of dialogues and exercises will allow students to respond quickly and accurately to spoken language.


to help find out how well they collaborated on the methods and designs

through the experiences and knowledge, they have during the process of teaching and learning.

The Discussion and Method

This journal takes a case study with the research subject of The students of the fifth grade of SDN Madigondo and used qualitative and quantitative data. Which is Qualitative data were taken from the scores of the pre-test and all cycles. And the quantitative data were taken through observation, interview, and questionnaire.

In this journal, the researcher used a method by giving students some blanks in the dialogues and the students tried to fill the blanks. The teacher drilled the students by using that dialogue. Some students could not fulfill by using the vocabulary given. The teacher asked them to practice and come forwards. Then after the practice was carried out, it was found that some students could not pronounce words as well, were slow in expressing themselves, and silent events in front of the class. In short, It could be concluded that the students had some problems with comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar.

After finishing all the steps of the cycles, the researcher designed the goal of the research such as the students were able to;

1. Comprehensive on their topics.

2. Use the correct words.

3. Choose the correct structures.

4. Speak in the correct intonation, stress, and pronunciation.

5. Deliver their sentences fluently

The researcher made the lesson plans to solve the problems. They were as follows:

1)designing the indicators achieved

2)choosing the activities, repetition drill, and Chain Drill

3)using some dialogue

4) arranging the students' tasks; and

5) designing spoken assessment.


the audio-lingual method is recommended to improve the speaking skill of elementary students. The development of communication using international languages ​​in oral or spoken grows fast in some aspects such as technology, economy, and education. In the world of education, the Audio-Lingual method is good to be used in teaching speaking, especially for the students because the teacher can transfer the knowledge with the full guidance that made the students comfortable. The teacher also can manage the class well as he became a centered person.


This research uses Classroom Action Research in which all evaluation results come from students and for students as well. So with that in my opinion the discussion and style of language listed are easy to understand and can be a reference for teaching or learning.


In this study, the teacher's teaching techniques were too focused so students' progress was found to be insignificant, such as not being creative because they only followed the advice of the teacher which made them dependent on the teacher even though they mastered the material well.


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