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Review Journal Article "Use of YouTube-Based Videos to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill" by Diki Riswandi

 Journal Title Use of YouTube-Based Videos to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill


Writer Diki Riswandi  (The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia).


Reference : Riswandi, D. (2016). Use of YouTube-based videos to improve students' speaking skill. In Proceeding of the International Conference on Teacher Training and Education (Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 298-306).

Reviewer : Ester Rotua Tumanggor  (University of Singaperbangsa Karawang , Department of English Education)




English is an international language that is also the official language used to communicate around the world. through English, we can introduce the cultural and linguistic diversity of this nation to those who of course want to know about this nation. English is very much needed in the national and international arena.

Therefore, it is very important if mastery of English is applied to students. Some English skills that must be mastered are listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Through this journal, we can find out that one of the media that can improve students' master speaking skills is Youtube-based videos.


The purpose of writing this journal is to help students find out through YouTube-based video media that they can improve students learning abilities, especially in the field of speaking skills, and also how to implement them.


The Discussion and Method


This journal takes a case study with the research subject of seventh-grade students of one of the junior high schools in Surakarta. In writing this journal article the author conducted several research methods utilizing checklist observations, field notes, performance tests, questionnaires, and interviews.

1, Observation checklist

The observation checklist focused on how students were involved in the pre-task-based, task-cycle, and language-focused phases.

2. Field notes

Field notes can be used to identify several aspects that are reflected in the teaching and learning process, such as appropriate teaching instructions, areas that need improvement, and student interactions with peers that are out of reach.

3. Performance Test

This test is given at the end of the cycle. The test is in the form of a performance test, where students are asked to have conversations in pairs.

4. Interview

In this case, the researcher only selected three students to be interviewed.


Some of the teaching methods applied by the teacher during student learning activities:

A. First, in the pre-assignment phase, the activity begins with greetings, checking the attendance list, and telling the learning objectives and assignments given. This activity also provides brainstorming and activates background knowledge and context for students before doing speaking exercises. The teacher provides pictures and videos related to the lesson.

B. After that, the teacher also asked the students to read the words and sentences given by the teacher for pronunciation practice as a warm-up activity. Second, in the task cycle, activities are divided into three stages, namely:

1) In the first stage, students in pairs are given the task of watching a video played by the teacher. while watching, they were allowed to take some notes. The video has been played twice. for the first time, the video is played students are only allowed to take notes while for the second time they are allowed to take notes and discuss with their partners.

2) In the second stage, they make a script or text for conversation in front of their class.

3) In the last stage, then, they had a pair conversation in front of the class. Third, focus on language, in this phase all students provide comments or suggestions for comments about the appearance of their friends. After the students give comments, then the teacher's turn to give feedback and comments.



Based on the findings of the research conducted in this study, it can be concluded that:

1. The application of YouTube-based videos in teaching speaking can improve students' speaking skills and motivation.

2. Students are actively involved in learning activities and have high motivation to use YouTube-based videos in speaking classes.

3. Students can get information faster and feel more confident in facing the lesson because they depend not only on their speaking skills but also on their understanding.

4. Students get excellent input from speakers, most of whom are native English, in YouTube-based videos.

5. More and more students watching videos also helps them to easily practice their speaking, thus helping students improve their fluency in speaking.



1) This journal contains a light discussion to digest so that it helps students to implement learning well through YouTube which is more interesting and is allegedly able to increase student interest and motivation which makes students understand a material faster than studying through textbooks.

2) This journal contains strategies that aim to make students motivated and more active in learning. This is in line with Nunan (1999, p. 232) who says that teachers should help their students by setting strategies to manage all forms of communication to ensure that all students have fair and equal opportunities to manage all forms of communication to ensure that all students have fair and equitable opportunities to develop their interpersonal speaking and listening skills through large and small group discussions.

3) The strategy prepared by the author is one of the implementation strategies that make students interactive in class and builds self-confidence.





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